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Motel California Episode 7

페이지 정보

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댓글 0건 조회 356회 작성일 25-02-01 10:53


In this episode, Kang-hee and Yeon-soo's complicated emotional lines are at the center. Kang-hee has a deep heart about her relationship with Yeon-soo, and suggests calling Yeon-soo and meeting him on the rooftop. They have conflicts while reflecting on each other's feelings and past memories.

Although Yeonsu tries to end her relationship with Kanghee, Kanghee still has affection for her. When Yeonsu refuses the scarf that Kanghee gave her, she feels sad and struggles emotionally. In the process, Yeonsu becomes confused by recalling her memories with Kanghee.

Meanwhile, Seok-kyung and Esther's relationship is revealed, and Yeonsu feels complicated emotions as she witnesses them. After learning that Seok-kyung and Esther are close friends, Yeonsu feels alienated from her relationship with them, and eventually relieves her emotions by drinking.

The next day, Kang-hee and Yeon-soo accidentally get on the same bus, and the two share their desire to remain friends over a meal, but each other's feelings become more complicated. Kang-hee invites Yeon-soo to her house and wants to comfort her struggles.

Finally, Kang-hee agonizes over the expression of affection between her friends, and their emotional lines deepen. In the whole process, Kang-hee feels jealous and affection for Yeon-soo, raising questions about how their relationship will develop.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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