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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 8

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댓글 0건 조회 333회 작성일 25-01-31 14:47


In the eighth episode, tense events revolve around Joseon's power struggle and real estate speculation. The beginning of the story is a scene where Lee Sook-beon talks with Bamgol Kim while looking down at Hanyang, who offers to give Lee the land he wants and presents a ring to his daughter. They exchange meaningful eyes with each other, hinting at a relationship.

Taejong Yi Bang-won goes to study Se-ji and finds out that officials cannot find a house due to real estate speculation by the officials, and orders an immediate investigation. However, it is questionable whether the investigation will be conducted properly because these are profiteering powers. Min Moo-jil asks to step down, and Bang-won announces the position to be reorganized, but Lee Sook-beon is disappointed.

Meanwhile, Queen Wonkyung meets with Kim in person and scolds him to return his unjustly accumulated wealth to the people. However, she proudly shows that she controls real estate in Hanyang, emphasizing her relationship with her major relatives. Minmugu insists on protecting what she has and being sung amid her confrontation with Queen Wonkyung.

On her way back to the palace, Queen Wonkyung witnesses Kim Sang-gung making a real estate transaction and interrogates him. Kim Sang-gung denies it to the end, but Queen Wonkyung warns that she will not forgive him if she is found out. Queen Won tells Yi Bang-won the difficult reality of the people and asks him again where he stands. Yi Bang-won declares that he will stand in the king's seat.

Chaeryeong gets angry by gossiping about Queen Wonkyung, and suggests checking out Jungjeon. Bangwon tries to adjust the price of the house, but the ministers disagree. In this situation, the boss of the party and Prince Myeongseon visit Bamgol Kim and say that Jungjeon cannot be left as it is. Bamgol Kim plans to put Jungjeon in danger, leaving Minmugu ten times the price of the house.

Ahead of the Baptist Convention, Queen Wonkyung learns that Minmugu fell into the trap of Bamgol Kim. Myeongseon tries to accuse Minmugu of real estate speculation in front of the king, but Minmugu admits his guilt and offers to distribute the unfairly earned house to the officials. When the ministers offer the house, Taejong reluctantly gives up their house as well.

Queen Wonkyung feels joy for Taejong, who caught up in real estate speculation, but at the same time recognizes that Taejong feels inferior and jealous of him. Ha Ryun advises people to be wary of the heavy war, saying that he is a king. Min Mu-jil is an ally given to the Grand Temple, but he plans to make his final father, Min clan, attack him.

Chaeryeong stimulates King Taejong by referring to the appearance of the king, and Bamgol Kim asks for help at the gathering of Ha Ryun, Myeongseon Daegun, and Lee Sook-beon. Lee Sook-beon wants to make her daughter a crown prince, but Queen Wonkyung does not tolerate this and declares that she will compete with Gwangsan Kim's daughter to make her the final crown prince.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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