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Namib Episode 12

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댓글 0건 조회 307회 작성일 25-01-31 14:44


The 12th episode revolves around the process of Yoo Jin-woo and the people around him overcoming the conflict and moving toward a new beginning.

The story begins with Chris turning himself in to the police after avoiding a motorcycle. Kang stays by Chris' side, sending a lawyer to help him. Meanwhile, Shim Jun-seok is inspired to complete the song when he sees Yoo's smiling face, and sends it to Kang. Kang says the song resembles Yoo's story, and Jun-seok apologizes for divorce and hands over a proposal ring, which he refuses.

Yoo Jin-woo goes into the recording studio, but he has a hard time because his voice is not heard. He feels anxious when he recalls his past wounds, but Kang soo-hyun comforts him with gifts from fans. Upon the news that the children of the school violence committee posted an apology and corrected the wrong article, Kang advises Yoo Jin-woo to look at him objectively.

Jang Hyun-chul is arrested and undergoes cross-examination related to Yoon-hee's death. Referring to the fact that Yoon-hee entered Pandora as a trainee, he states that contrary to the claim that Kang So-hyun attracted him, Yoon-hee trusted and followed his brother. Yoo Jin-woo was welcomed by his friends at school and overcame trauma to finish recording his debut song safely.

While Oh Bong-gyu offers Shim a representative position for the vacant Pandora, Jun-seok recommends Kang Soo-hyun. Kang feels burdened by Oh's proposal, and offers to work as co-representatives instead. Yoo Jin-woo has a positive mind, hoping that his song will be known to the world.

Yu Jin-woo tells her mother that she has released her song, stressing the fact that her dream is her dream. The song "SMile Again" is released and it will reach No. 173. Yu Jin-woo expresses his gratitude for receiving people's support, saying that he wants to deliver positive energy in music interviews.

Meanwhile, an offer comes to recruit Yoo Jin-woo from Mega Entertainment. Kang makes a decision to hand over Yoo for his future to Mega Entertainment, and asks him to give him time. Along with this, Jang Hyeon-cheol instructs Yoo to blame him for everything.

Chris listens to Soo-hyun's advice and decides that he will try to hit it properly from now on. Kang returns on Christmas Day for Yoo's fan signing event, and Yoo watches his growth and waits for the day to meet again.

In the last scene, Yoo Jin-woo delivers a message at the fan signing, "Raise your head, straighten your shoulders and look straight at me," symbolically showing the difficulties he went through and the process of growth.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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