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Who Is She Episode7

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댓글 0건 조회 868회 작성일 25-01-09 10:58


Park shows his feelings by giving an interview that he wants to confess to a woman he has liked for a long time. This scene hints at the theme of the drama, heralding love and conflict between the characters.

Doori (Jung Ji-so) comes out after watching Tae Jin-ah's performance and confirms that Park Kap-yong is the man he has been waiting for. Park recalls the past when he sold everything at home to go see Tae Jin-ah's performance as a child, and recalls those memories. This scene suggests how Doori's relationship with Park Gap-yong will develop.

At the news that Oh Mal-soon has returned, Min-seok (In Kyo-jin) hurriedly contacts Ji-sook (Seo Young-hee). Ji-sook has doubts because her mother's appearance has changed so much. Oh says, "I feel like the world looks different and organized because I survived from death." From now on, she emphasizes Give and Take's relationship. She declares that motherhood is also beyond the limit, and takes the position of reviving each other.

Min-seok is surprised that Oh Mal-soon originally used the Seoul language, but Jisook explains that her mother used the standard language so that she wouldn't be ignored when she was doing business. Jisook doubts Oh's use of English and feels uneasy about her changed appearance. Oh explains why she attended a senior college and an English academy, saying, "I have to learn English so as not to be embarrassed by my handsome daughter and granddaughter."

In the episode, Oh's younger brother appears, showing how he is trying to mend fences. He tells his sister, "When she finds out how she lived and how she is living, she will need her help," and asks her to go back, but Oh counters that she can't. The line, "Oh Mal-soon without answers, hit me and enjoy yourself," illustrates their complicated relationship.

Duri recalls Aesim's (Cha Hwa-yeon) past, and he has a conflict with Aesim, who gained huge popularity after releasing The Man in the Yellow Shass. Aesim is angry that what he stole in the past is not just a song, and claims that Oh Mal-soon took away her dream and life. This scene intensifies the conflict between the two, revealing their respective dreams and concerns about their identity.

Durie is bothered by the video she sang according to Oh Mal-soon's advice, and she sings Rina (Lee Hwa-gyeom) because she wants to get rid of Oduri (Jung Ji-so). Aesim points out Durie's attitude and says she wants to get rid of people or situations that are giving her a hard time as soon as possible. This scene shows that the conflict between Durie and Aesim is intensifying.

Daniel (Jinyoung) reveals his concerns about his relationship with Duri, warning Duri, "You're not eating in the bathroom, you're not dating at work." He warns Duri to be careful, and asks her to return to her accommodation as soon as possible. This scene reveals the complex feelings between Duri and Daniel, suggesting how their relationship will develop.

Finally, while talking to Park Joon (Yoo Jung-hoo), Daniel pops up and asks Duri to go in first. Park Joon has a war of nerves as he is interested in Duri, making Duri's situation more complicated. This episode revolves around the complexity of conflicts and relationships between characters and shows the intertwining of each past and present.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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