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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 2

페이지 정보

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댓글 0건 조회 1,031회 작성일 25-01-08 10:57


The second episode revolves around how Bang-won (Tae-jong)'s relationship with Won-kyung (Jung-jeon) changes after he ascended the throne. Unlike the days when Bang-won used to share good luck in the past, now Won-kyung feels lost by the way he treats Won-kyung like a servant. You realize that past promises that Bang-won said, "I want to keep you by your side every moment," are no longer valid.

In the past, Won-kyung picked up Chaeryeong (Undecided) who had a hard time living on the bottom and made her the main character, but Won-kyung feels betrayed when Tae-jong uses Chaeryeong as the court lady. Tae-jong orders Won-kyung to protect Chaeryeong from being ignored by the court ladies because she was a slave. Won-kyung shed tears of emotion when she sees the clothes and paraphernalia sent to Chaeryeong, and feels grateful for her consideration so far.

Yeongsil (Mijeong) brings Bang-won and his son, Rain, to the palace after diving for years. Won-kyung says that Rain must have fallen behind in his studies and instructs him to meet each other twice a day (for an hour). When Won-kyung says, "The prince is all my son, so you are my son," Tae-jong smiles as he recalls warm feelings in the past. This scene shows that the relationship between Won-kyung and Tae-jong is maintained to some extent.

Information is reported that Gaebyeolchoes gather at Soyosan Mountain, where King Taesang is residing, and Wonkyung's brothers act sparingly, asking them to run over. Taejong takes a cautious stance that he cannot go to war with King Taesang's army. This scene suggests a conflict between the royal authority and the rebel forces.

Youngsil's son, Rain, neglects his studies and stands out to Wonkyung, who hits him with a whip instead of a teacher to scold him. Youngsil worries about applying medicine to his son's legs, but the conflict between Youngsil and Wonkyung intensifies. Youngsil complains to Wonkyung, "Rain is not on his turn to become a king, so why do you treat him so harshly?" In this process, Wonkyung gets slapped twice by Youngsil, and the conflict intensifies. Youngsil leaves the palace in a free-spirited manner, likening the situation to a 'seed fight'.

After that, Young-sil calls Chaeryeong and asks her who she would choose between Jung-jeon and herself. She asks a question with a warning, "Stand in line if you don't want to be thrown away and become a guest in the back room." Chaeryeong cries and says she will serve Won-kyung, but she is chased away saying that she does not know the court rules. This scene reveals Chaeryeong's uneasy position and shows her complex emotions.

Chaeryeong decides to serve the king this time, and gives the court lady a pawn and asks her to create an opportunity. This is a scene that reveals her desire for power.

Yi Seong-gye (Mi-jeong) invites Taejong to a memorial service for the temple and sets up a justification for Myeong's envoy to attend. Chaeryeong reports that the king threatens her when the king gets into the house. When the king asks her brothers-in-law and Won-kyung what they said, Chaeryeong asks her to "come to the house twice a month." This demand represents an intention to strengthen her position.

In the celebration, Lee Seong-gye plots to kill Bang-won. He prepares a large gold table, takes out the chain that he has hidden in it, and tries to swing it toward Bang-won. This scene emphasizes that Bang-won's relationship with Won-kyung is threatened, forming a tense climax.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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