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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 1

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댓글 0건 조회 877회 작성일 25-01-07 11:03


The first episode of the drama, "Wonkyung," begins with Yi Bang-won (son of Yi Seong-gye) taking power and ascending to the throne. After killing Yi Bang-seok in the first Strife of Princes, his wife, Min, wears armor to defeat her husband when Yi Bang-gan causes the second Strife of Princes. This eventually makes Yi Bang-won ascend to the throne, and Min, who later becomes Queen Won-kyung, plays a crucial role in his success.

The couple is depicted taking the royal court's law lightly, and the words of the court lady to follow the court's law cause dissatisfaction with the king and the king. Yi Bang-won expresses dissatisfaction with the relationship between him and Min, and his dissatisfaction with the appearance of incompatibility grows. Taesang king Lee Seong-gye witnessed his sons killing each other, resents the Buddha, and vows to "make the dragon image hell." This begins the conflict between the son and the father.

Minje and Ha Ryun, who are members of the Yeohungbuwon-gun, show the appearance of a guest who gives off a desire to win against his younger brothers who say that if he were born a man, he would have become a king. The prince's rebellion is recalled when Yi Bang-won dressed him in armor and killed his half-brother, emphasizing that it would not have been possible without Min.

People's dissatisfaction with Yi Bang-won's rule grows, and rumors spread that he ran away with the national seal because he did not like King Taesang. Won-kyung pledges to do his best to open King Taesang's heart, and Bang-won feels that the situation is not good. The scene where King Taesang spits out the crystal grapes sent by Jungjeon further highlights the conflict in the royal family.

The Gyoha's house visits Ha Ryundaegam to meet the king, and Youngsil, who gave birth to a child in a relationship with Bangwon, appears. Sangchok, who came with Wonbeom, the escort of King Taesang, at the Soyosan Haengjae Hall, plays a role in announcing the existence of Bangwon and Wonkyung's assassin. Bangwon is shocked to learn that the identity of the assassin is Wonbeom, the escort of Lee Seong-gye.

The relationship between Bang-won's past and Lee Seong-gye is explained, and after Bang-won established his half-brother as the crown prince, he incensed Lee Seong-gye's anger in the process of angling. Won-kyung is concerned that the royal authority will be shaken if his mother's power is strong, and Bang-won is angry at Won-kyung's words that he will close the Yeongsil.

Things between the couple evolve into a conflict over the throne, and Bang declares to Won-kyung, "In this country, I am the king, and you are now my servant." A dispute arises over Neo-Confucianism, with Won-kyung refuting, "I am not your highness's servant." Won-kyung says he will reject the annexation, and Bang-won poses a threat to her.

Finally, Bang-won and Won-kyung reveal each other's dissatisfaction and the conflict intensifies. Bang-won calls in Chaeryeong, saying that Jungjeon scratched his pride, and tries to further strengthen his position as a king. All of these conflicts show a combination of power struggles and personal feelings within the royal family, increasing the tension of the drama.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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