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My Merry Marriage Episode 63

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댓글 0건 조회 831회 작성일 25-01-06 21:53


The determination of studying hard and Noah's reaction
Maeng decides to live as a blind Noah's dad, but when he doesn't work out, Noah asks his dad why he doesn't have muscles and tells him to work out. This shows Noah's pure heart, feeling responsible as a father and wanting to show his better self through exercise.

Kang Ji-na's complaint
Kang Ji-na finds out that Maeng Gong-hee is pregnant and gets annoyed with Min Seo-ki. She reveals her dissatisfaction with the situation, saying that Min Seo-ki is the one to choose a child.

New Year's Morning and Family Conversation
On Jan. 1, families celebrate the New Year with rice cake soup. Maeng study hard is for children when they say "Give me another bowl," and she softens the mood by joking that it is the oldest when indigestion occurs. Maeng Gong-hee also hints at her pregnancy by saying that it is indigestion.

Lee Su-yeon's phone call with Maengnyeo
Maeng-no-ah is on the phone with her mother, Lee Soo-yeon. But Maeng takes away the phone, warns Lee that she must not come back and is adamant that she will raise Noah herself. This is a scene that emphasizes a sense of responsibility as a father.

a visit by a man of great joy
Maeng Gong-hee visits Audrey and talks about Tiffany, bringing up the story that the club's owner liked Tiffany. She worries about where the club's owner is and about rumors that Harley will be in the Jace Fashion finale. It brings back the relationship between the main characters and their past love.

a conversation between Kang Jina and Chung Ju-ri
Kang Ji-na visits Jeong Ju-ri, and Jeong Ju-ri says she doesn't want to meet Nie's mother. However, Jeong Ju-ri becomes obsessed with Kang Ji-na's gift bag, and Kang Ji-na is puzzled by her reaction. Jeong Ju-ri says that Min-ki has a child, suggesting that the relationship with Kang Ji-na is complicated.

a visit to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic
The gynecologist gives Maeng Gong-hee vitamins, and she pledges to live a brave life as Momo's mother. This means her new start.

a meeting with Chung Ju-ri
Jeong Ju-ri was waiting for her while she was out of the obstetrics and gynecology department. Jeong Ju-ri introduces herself as a friend of Kang Myung-ja and the mother of Min Seo-ki. At this time, Maeng Gong-hee is in a situation where she has to tell Jeong Ju-ri that Min-ki is her father. This scene shows that the complex relationship of the past has an effect on the present.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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