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When the Stars Gossip Episode 1

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댓글 0건 조회 597회 작성일 25-01-05 20:46


On October 25, 2024, the spacecraft GO-10 will launch in Kazakhstan. The spacecraft is carrying a W70 billion (W70 billion) tourist named Dinosaur and the space station's boss, Eve. Eve buys a seat on the spacecraft and welcomes the uninvited dinosaur into space.

When the spacecraft is launched, the dinosaur feels motion sickness on its first space tour and is overcome with fear of death. Memories of the past pass through his mind like a beacon. Dinosaurs uniquely start their memories from their mother's womb. He had a difficult childhood, giving birth to dinosaurs and growing up with his mother, who passed away, and then three aunts. The mothers made a living by working in bars, and the dinosaurs became poor obstetricians and struggled every day.

Dinosaurs become MZ Group's daughter-in-law's doctor, who promises to do everything they want if they succeed in fertility treatments, but he still suffers from financial difficulties. Meanwhile, he undergoes emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy of Choi Jae-ryong, the only daughter of MZ Group Chairman Choi Jae-ryong. But when the operation fails, Choi threatens to fire the dinosaur, threatening to cut off his family members.

The fired dinosaur then goes through a hard time being unemployed, and in the meantime, the best comes to visit and promises compensation. The dinosaur gets angry at the best's comment, asking him to go back without doing anything, and doubts her sincerity. The best shows interest in the dinosaur and kisses him, hinting at the possibility that feelings of revenge could turn into love.

Dinosaurs are confused by Choi's constant interest and affection, and end up having a historic night. Later, Choi's proposal is received, and they are confused whether it is revenge or love. The dinosaur wonders if she is the woman she wants to marry, but is moved by her warm heart.

In space, however, things turn quickly. The dinosaur vomits in space and faints. This is when the expedition leader Yves Kim administers Heimlich first aid to save him. The conscious dinosaur is relieved to see Yves' injured feet and learn that the corpse swimming in space is actually a satellite.

Eve is connected to the spacecraft's control tower and looks anxiously at her flirtation lover, Dong-A. The dinosaur faces a situation where it has to perform Commander's toe surgery, which comes with difficulties because it has to be performed in zero gravity. The dinosaur worries that it will hurt because there is no anesthetic, but the Commander starts the operation saying it's okay.

After the operation, the dinosaur feels that Commander's toes are pretty and begins to get emotional. And as he bites the apple and recalls Eve's words to fast, he realizes the reason for Heimlich's first aid was that a piece of the apple was stuck in his throat.


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