How to Reduce Your Sodium Intake > TIP

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How to Reduce Your Sodium Intake

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댓글 0건 조회 382회 작성일 24-11-25 11:14


1. Reducing Processed Foods
Avoid processed foods: Processed foods such as canned foods, frozen foods, and fast food contain a lot of sodium. Cook with fresh ingredients as much as possible.

2. Using Fresh Ingredients
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables are low in sodium and rich in nutrients. Include a lot in your diet.
Fresh Meat and Fish: Choose fresh meat and fish instead of processed meat (sausage, bacon, etc.).

3. Change the cooking method
Reduce salt use: Minimize salt use when cooking and choose soy sauce or condiments that are low in sodium.
Spice Use: Season with herbs and spices instead of salt. For example, garlic, ginger, lemon juice, etc. are good.

4. Check the label
Review Nutrition Facts Table: Check the sodium content of the food you buy, and choose the lowest sodium product possible.

5. Be careful when eating out
Caution when choosing a menu: It is recommended to choose a menu with a low sodium content when eating out and request a separate sauce.
Seasoning Control Request: Ask for less salt or seasoning when cooking.

6. increased water intake
Drink Enough Water: Drinking plenty of water helps to control the sodium concentration in your body. Aim for eight glasses of water (about 2 liters) a day.

7. Sodium Reduction Food Selection
Use low-sodium products: Choose low-sodium salt or low-sodium soy sauce, broth, etc.
Through these methods, you can effectively reduce your sodium intake. Maintain a healthy diet and take good care of your body!


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